I admit it. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. On one hand I feel the excitement and promise of starting over again. The smell of new books, shopping for all the fresh new pencils, binders and notebooks, getting back to the routine of daily school schedule, etc. It's filled ...read more
Back to School Stress Got Ya Down?
I don’t have to tell you that this time of year is stressful! Adjusting to the new schedule from the laid-back summer months can bring up a lot of challenges. On top of this, there’s all the beginning of school meetings and events. There are new and unfamiliar relationships and all kinds of stuff to ...read more
Helping Kids Cope with Your Amicable Divorce
People often assume that an amicable divorce is easy and that children do not suffer as much when there is less conflict. To a certain extent this is true. No one can argue that having parents who respect each other and are able to compromise and communicate are much better for children. However ...read more
7 Ways to Have a More Amicable Divorce
Divorce is hard. Anyone who's been through it can attest to how difficult it is on so many levels. Having a healthier partnership with your ex can make things easier for both of you. I came across this article posted by a friend of mine that includes some powerful tips for avoiding the nasty ...read more